In partnership with

Help kids see
their best so they
can be their best!

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K2PB Benefit Concert

Please join us on Sunday, June 2nd, as we raise money for an AMAZING organization, Kindness to Prevent Blindness! The benefit concert and reception will be held at St. Mary’s O’Laughlin Auditorium at 2pm. Tickets are $10 for entry and all proceeds will go directly to Kindness to Prevent Blindness’ mission of helping students in Michiana to SEE their best, so they can BE their best!

Donation Levels:
Glasses Level $5,000
Frames Level $2,500
Lenses Level $1,000
Supporter Level $500
Friend Level $250

Our Mission

Ensuring every Elkhart student and
those in surrounding counties get the glasses they need to succeed in the classroom!

Pairs of Glasses Distributed

Medical Eye Exams

Vision Screenings

Schools Served

How We Help Students

The Need

Good vision is essential for students of all ages to reach their full academic potential. Studies show behavior problems go down and academic success goes up when children have corrected vision. In collaboration with Boling Vision Center, this initiative is designed to ensure success in education through accurate eyesight supported by school visits from a mobile vision unit offering medical eye exams and custom glasses at no cost to the student or family.


  • One in four children has a vision problem.
  • 60% of children with learning difficulties have an undetected vision problem.
  • 70% of juvenile delinquents have an undetected eye problem.
  • 80% of information in the classroom is presented visually.
  • When vision problems are found, an estimated 40%-67% do not receive recommended follow-up care, especially in students living below the poverty line.

The Impact

  • 4,000+ students across 4 grade levels screened annually
  • 70+ schools served across 2 counties
  • Improved academic and behavioral outcomes for the 85% of
    at-risk students
     that have undetected/untreated vision problems (national stat for Title 1 students, Zaba)
  • Closing the gap for referrals by providing follow-up on site: “When children are identified with vision problems during typical school screenings, an estimated 40% to 67% do not receive the recommended follow-up care by a vision care professional” (Zaba)

Closing the
Referral Gap

Students in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 8th grades are screened by school nurses as is required by the Indiana Department of Education. Prior to K2PB, these students would often fall into the “referral gap”, never receiving the follow-up care they required. K2PB has committed to traveling directly to the school building to provide free medical eye exams for students referred by the vision screening process and free custom glasses to any student who needs them. No more students following through the referral gap on our watch!

A Vision of Change
for Students

Studies show that behavior problems go down and academic success goes up when kids have the corrected vision they deserve. By closing the referral loop gap and providing glasses and medical follow-up at the school building, positive outcomes for students will be ensured. This project improves the quality of life for thousands of children in our community, removes financial barriers for families that require optometric care, and will improve academic and behavioral outcomes for students in Elkhart & St. Joseph Counties.


Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors

Medical Partner

Visionary Sponsors ($20,000+)

Seeing is Believing Partner ($10,000+)

Well Foundation

Eye Can See Clearly Now ($5,000+)

Special Thanks to Dr. Steven Gerber M.D.

Founding Donors

Vision in Mission, inc.